皇 仁 ‧ 重 現
Q U E E N ' S , O N C E M O R E
A History of Hollywood Road Campus
皇仁書院第二代校舍 (今PMQ元創坊) 於1889年落成,位於上環荷李活道及鴨巴甸街交界、歌賦街大書院 (中央書院) 校舍對面 ,附近有孫中山先生故居 (必列者士街2號)、香港西醫書院等辛亥革命遺址。這幢具新古典風格的建築物需時5年、耗資25萬元興建,是香港當時造價第二昂貴的建築物。
The second campus of Queen's College (currently PMQ) was completed in 1889 opposite Central School (Gough Street campus) at the junction of Hollywood Road and Aberdeen Street, Sheung Wan. It was opposite the Central School Gough Street Campus, neighbouring Dr Sun Yat-sen's former residence on 2 Bridges Street as well as the Hong Kong College of Medicine for Chinese. The construction of the second campus last 5 years, and came at a price tag of HKD 250,000, being the second most expensive building in Hong Kong at the time.
Designed to house more than 900 pupils, with comprehensive facilities including 21 classrooms, laboratories, student activity room, 2 playgrounds and 1 covered playground, the Campus was far more spacious than the one on Gough Street. To meet the demands of the changing curriculum, tuck shop, Geography Room, Library, and Normal Room were added subsequently.
As soon as school was dismissed due to Japanese invasion of Hong Kong in 1941, the buildings were looted by refugees and commandeered by the Japanese occupying army, before a total destruction towards the end of the War. It was reduced to rubbles as Hong Kong was liberated in 1945, and became a slum occupied by Chinese refugees. Queen's College acquired its current campus on Causeway Road in 1950, while her former site on Hollywood Road was rebuilt as the Police Married Quarters.
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