Talks and Seminars 講座與座談會
The museum accepts invitation from research and academic institutions from around the world to share our exhibition curation experiences and research projects with the public. For enquiries on future talks and seminars, please email us at
校史館不時會接受世界國地研究與學術機構邀請,和普羅大眾分享策劃校史館展覽的經驗。如果你想邀請本館分享經驗或想和本館交流策覽心得,請以電郵 ( 和我們聯絡。
6th February 2021
Joseph Gregory Yu, Hon. Curator of Queen's College History Museum, shares his experience and insight on curating Queen's College History Museum and its exhibitions.
8th January 2021
Joseph Gregory Yu, Hon. Curator of Queen's College History Museum, take us on a journey and explain what we can learn from the efforts to “museumize” by the oldest public school in Hong Kong. This seminar was organised by the Hong Kong Studies Initiative, University of British Columbia. All Rights Reserved.
150 years of QC history in Virtual Reality
「拾壹城話」: VR漫遊皇仁百五年
20th May 2019
Joseph Gregory Yu and John Kwok, Hon. Curators of Queen's College History Museum, together with QC History Project Convenor Cheung Chong Lap, introduce the QC campus digital reconstruction project, and the history behind it. This video was produced and distributed by Official Page of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau. It is shared below for educational purpose only.
1862 年創校的皇仁書院,先後在上環歌賦街和荷李活道興建校舍。今天在天后高士威道的校舍已是第三代。一群皇仁舊生為了加深大家對母校歷史的認識,利用虛擬實境(VR)技術,更生動地重構150年前的皇仁書院,由禮堂牆上的得獎者名錄到欄杆的雕花,一一呈現。在VR世界漫遊皇仁舊校,彷佛回到 157 年前,重新入學。
School Uniform in the Past
「拉近文化」: 那些年的校服
February 2019
Joseph Gregory Yu and John Kwok, Hon. Curators of Queen's College History Museum, explore what their predecessors would have been wearing at school. The programme was produced, presented and broadcasted by Hong Kong Cable Television. The following clip is shared for educational purpose only.
Tracing Our Roots: From the Government Central School to Queen's College
探古尋源:從 香港國家大書院 到 皇仁書院
13th January 2019
Joseph Gregory Yu, Hon. Curator of Queen's College History Museum, traces the root of Hong Kong's oldest government secondary school, Queen's College, all the way to its foundation as the Government Central School back in 1862. This programme was produced and broadcasted by the Hong Kong Television Broadcasting Limited (HKTVB). The following preview clip is shared for educational purpose only.
QC History Museum: HK Commercial Radio Interview
皇仁書院校史館: 商業電台訪問
7th October 2018
Joseph Gregory Yu and John Kwok, Hon. Curators of Queen's College History Museum, reveals some lesser-known fun facts of Queen's College History in this interview with Hong Kong Commercial Radio.