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Post-war Photo Catalogue Project 


Following the discovery of nearly 10 boxes of school photographs of the 1950-1990s within the school campus in summer 2018, “Post-war Photo Catalogue Project” was initiated in the following summer. The project involves Old Boys of the 1950-90s (mainly 1970s), who volunteers to identify faces in over 5,000 photos, and possibly ‘repatriate’ in digital format these photos to Old Boys featured.


本館自2019年夏季推行「相認 · 認相」計劃,旨在讓不同界別的皇仁舊生在超過12,000張學校珍藏、戰後1960-90年拍攝的相片中辨認相關學生及老師,讓我們對藏品有更深入的認識。經熱心舊生 張壯立先生 聯繫,最近本館邀請了幾位橫跨1960-90年代的舊生,並成功在約5,000張照片中認出不少他們的同學和老師。各位皇仁舊生如有興趣幫忙,歡迎聯絡本館。

Research Project Convenor 研究計劃召集人:

張壯立校友 Mr. Cheung Chong Lap (OQC CE76)

Research Project Lead 研究計劃主管:

余尚賢校友 Mr. Yu Sheung Yin Joseph Gregory (OQC DSE12)

Research Project Members 研究計劃成員:

伍富邦校友 Mr Ng Fu Pong (OQC CE76

鄭志明校友 Mr. Cheng Chi Ming Carl (OQC CE89)

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