Special Exhibitions 特別展覽
2023-24: An Education for Everyone: Non-Chinese Students at QC 有教無類:皇仁書院的非華裔學生
2021-2023: Treasures of a School History Museum: Queen’s College in 16 Objects 拾陸珍藏懷舊事 春秋燦耀說皇仁
2020-2021: Brotherhood Over a Century: Centenary of the QC Old Boys' Association 百載兄弟情:皇仁舊生會百周年紀念
2019-2020: 120th Anniversary of The Yellow Dragon 黃龍騰飛佰貳載
2018-2019: The Early Days of Queen's College 創校初期的皇仁書院
2017-2018: Special Collections: Photos, Reports, Publications & Correspondences 特藏:班相、成績表、教師編書、通訊
'23-'24: An Education for Everyone: Non-Chinese Students at QC

'21-'23: Treasures of a School History Museum: QC in 16 Objects
(160th Anniversary Special Exhibition)
'21-'23:拾陸珍藏懷舊事 春秋燦耀說皇仁 (160 週年特別展覽)

'20-'21: Brotherhood Over a Century: Centenary of QCOBA
'20-'21:百載兄弟情 - 皇仁舊生會百周年紀念

QCOBA Reunion Dinner, 1925 (Provided by Moonchu Foundation; Replica)

'19-'20: 120th Anniversary of The Yellow Dragon (1899-2019)
'19-'20:黃龍騰飛佰貳載 (1899-2019)

Top Row Left to Right 上排左至右: The Yellow Dragon 黃龍報 (1899, 1909, 1919, 1929, 1939, 1949, 1959)
Bottom Row Left to Right 下排左至右: The Yellow Dragon 黃龍報 (1969, 1979, 1989, 1999, 2009, 2019)

'18-'19: Early Days of Queen's College