People of QC 傳奇人物

1st Headmaster: Dr. Frederick Stewart
首任掌院﹕史安夫子 (現譯 史釗域博士)
Dr. Frederick Stewart was the first Headmaster of The Central School, later Queen's College. Competent in speaking fluent and vernacular Cantonese, he was appointed as the Colonial Secretary of Hong Kong in the early days, and continued to serve in the colonial government after his retirement as headmaster. Introducing western studies such as science and geometrical subjects in addition to initial Chinese and English studies, The Central School developed from scratch to become a very popular and populous school under Dr. Stewart - the average student attendance under him was as high as 98%. He opened the school door to every male including mature and married students who wanted to learn, and those who relied on English and Chinese language to make a living. Dr. Stewart always tried his best to maintain the fairness and openness of the school examinations. The first Speech Day was held in 1869, seven years after the establishment of the school, in which school examination papers and marked answer scripts were exhibited for the inspection of the guests and public. In addition to being Headmaster of The Central School, Dr. Stewart was also the Chief Inspector of Schools responsible for supervising all the schools in Hong Kong. A piece of glass was put inside St. John's Cathedral in recognition of his tremendous contribution to the education and social well-being of Hong Kong, although it was unfortunately destroyed during the Second World War. However, Stewart Road, a busy road in Wan Chai, is named in memory of him.
在史釗域校長的領導下,中央書院逐漸成為一所廣受稱譽、員生眾多的名校。他在任時,除了設立基本的英文科和中文科外,還引入了幾何和科學等西方學科。他竭力維護公平、公開的考試制度,又秉持有教無類的教育精神,讓所有有志於學的男生,不論是已婚還是貧窮階層的人士,都有同等機會入學。當時學校的學習風氣優良,平均出席率達百分之九十八。1869年,亦即在創校後第七年,史釗域校長舉行了第一屆頒獎日,對勤奮而且出類拔萃的學生作出了嘉許;同時展示試卷和經批改的學生答卷,供嘉賓和公眾審閱。 史博士一方面掌管中央書院,另一方面兼任「學校總督學」(即當時的教育首長),負責監察、督導香港其他所有學校。一塊陳列在中環聖約翰大教堂的玻璃,就是為了紀念他對香港教育和福祉所作出的貢獻而設。可惜的是,這塊玻璃於第二次大戰期間毀掉了。猶幸灣仔有街道以史釗域為名紀念他,讓我們今日路經該處,仍可對這一位可敬的創校校長為皇仁所作的貢獻,緬懷一番。

2nd Headmaster: Dr. George Henry Bateson Wright
第二任掌院﹕黎璧臣夫子 (現譯 胡禮博士)
Dr. Bateson Wright succeeded Dr. Stewart as the Second Headmaster of The Central School. Described by Mr. Stokes as "a man with a will of iron", Dr. Wright was a tireless school leader who drove the staff forward for the good of the students. He was much feared by pupils at that time, but at that same time they also valued him as a fair and just man. During his headmastership, the pupils were taught with firm discipline - he even described such a style himself as "semi-military". On the other hand, he insisted on marking all examination papers himself so that marking would be uniform and fair. The foundation stone for the "Old Lady of Aberdeen Street", the second campus for the then Queen's College, was laid in 1884 by him. Under the suggestion of Governor Sir George Bowen , the name of the "Eton of the East" was changed into "Victoria College" upon the quick and informal opening and transferring of the school to the second campus. As suggested by Mr. Stokes, renaming the school a “College” at that time indicated the college would then provide less elementary education than before. The evening continuation classes had been affiliated with Queen's since their introduction in 1906, in which teachers of Queen's taught evening class in the campus. In 1894, Victoria College was renamed Queen’s College – in one account it was said that there were too many schools in Hong Kong named after Victoria, and in another account it was referenced to Dr. Wright’s alma mata, Queen’s College of the University of Oxford. His tremendously long and glorious 28 years of headmastership ended in 1909 when he retired after suffering from a kidney stone. According to his staff and students, Dr. Wright succeeded in "building a tradition of loyalty among boys and masters that carried the name of Queen’s throughout whole of the Far East".
胡禮博士接任史釗域校長為第二任掌院。胡禮校長是一個嚴謹的人,正如司徒莊校長所描述的,他有着「鐵一般的意志」。他時刻督促全體老師黽勉教職,一心都是為了學生的福祉。他要求學生嚴守紀律,恪遵校規,更坦言這是一種「半軍事的」教學方式。學生雖然畏懼他,卻又尊敬他公平、正義。另一方面,胡禮校長在任期間,一直都堅持由自己批改所有的學生試卷,以求劃一和公允。1884年,胡禮校長親為當時暱稱為「鴨巴甸街的老太太」的新校舍舉行奠基禮。新校舍落成遷校,在港督文咸爵士的建議下,這所「東方的伊頓公學」,一度易名為「維多利亞書院」。司徒莊校長認為,由「School」改稱「College」,其實意味着這所學府自此將會提供較少的初級課程。自1906年起,學校開辦夜校,並由皇仁書院的老師授課。1894年,「維多利亞書院」再改名為「Queen’s College」。一說這是因為其時出現了許多以維多利亞命名的學校,令人混淆不清;一說這個校名是沿依了胡禮校長的母校——英國牛津大學「Queen’s College」——的名稱。在1909年,胡禮校長因為身患腎結石,光榮地在教學舞台上退了下來。他二十八年來孜孜不倦,成功地培育了師生對學校的歸屬感及忠誠,並且將皇仁書院之名傳遍整個遠東。

3rd Headmaster: Mr. Thomas Kirkman Dealy, FRGS, FEIS, FCS, DRF
第三任掌院﹕狄吏先生 (現譯 狄烈)
Mr Dealy had been a staff member at Victoria College since 1884. He succeeded Dr. Wright as the Third Headmaster of Queen’s College and was an expert Sinologue. He compiled an improved edition of the Anglo-Chinese Dictionary, produced a geography of the empire of China and provided “The Dragon” (now The Yellow Dragon) with endless translations of works of de Vigny and Chinese poems. Although he was academically competent, he was proved not to be an efficient administrator nor a popular headmaster among the staff and students. The staff at that time complained that teaching timetables were not at the ready before the opening of term. As a result, lots of improvisation and make-shift arrangements were frequently made, in which the Headmaster did not volunteer to help by taking classes himself. To students, Mr. Dealy was a strict disciplinarian. As described by Mr. Stokes, Mr. Dealy was “a real martinet” and “the least dynamic and least popular of the school’s headmasters”. This implied that he was not a friendly person but rather a very formal one, and he was also a straightforward man who hated lies.
He retired in 1918 as he was greatly saddened by the loss of his two sons, both commissioned in the Royal Flying Corps, and both killed in the First World War.
狄烈校長早於1884年起已在學校任教,後來繼胡禮校長成為第三任掌院。狄烈校長是一位漢學專家,他 修訂了學生所使用的英漢字典,使之更為完備, 又編寫了一部中國地理書,更為校刊《黃龍報》提供了大量的法國文學家de Vigny,以及中國詩詞的翻譯作品。狄烈校長雖然學識淵博,但在行政上的表現無疑較為遜色,以致未能贏得師生的愛戴。當時的老師就曾抱怨,在開學前教學時間表往往仍未編備,於是大家需要作出很多臨時的調動,而校長亦沒有主動參與授課,以減輕老師們的負擔。
狄烈校長 在學生的心目中,是極其嚴肅的。據司徒莊校長描述,他是「真正 紀律嚴明的」,「比較刻板及不大得人心的」一位校長。 當中隱約地道出﹕狄烈校長並不和藹可親,而且處事拘謹;然而他卻絕不矯情飾詞,堪稱是一位梗直坦誠的校長。
4th Headmaster: Mr. Bertram Tanner
第四任掌院﹕丹雅先生 (現譯 丹拿)
Mr. Tanner, who joined the College as a staff member in 1900, succeeded Mr. Dealy as the Fourth Headmaster of Queen’s College. Mr. Tanner had a good knowledge of colloquial Cantonese, liked and greatly respected Chinese, and as a result made firm friends with some of his pupils and Chinese colleagues. Living in a house situated on the slope now known as Tanner Hill, he was even once seen immaculately dressed in Chinese costume (long gown) and played Mahjong throughout the long Chinese New Year holidays. He was not a University graduate but rather a trained teacher himself. He was widely appreciated by the staff and students for his effort in making Queen’s College greater than ever before. He even “‘used to lie awake at night devising new schemes for the welfare of the school”. Under his guidance, Queen’s College was soon recovered from the instability and negative impact of the First World War and entered its golden era of“Renaissance”as hailed by Mr. Stokes. The school was held in high regard for both scholarship and gentlemanly conduct and conscientious public service. In addition, his introduction of the inter-class contests of football, volleyball and basketball competitions greatly increased students’ participation in sports. He also started the tradition of adopting a ”pyramidal policy” which implied that if the school Headmaster looked after the staff well, in turn the staff would treat their students well. The ”well-beloved headmaster” left Queen’s College in 1925 and went to England for his long leave and subsequently retired.
丹拿校長在1900年加入皇仁書院擔任教職,並於1918年接替狄烈校長成為第四任掌院。丹拿校長不但精通粵語,而且熱愛和尊重中國文化,跟不少華籍師生建立了深摯的友誼。他在丹拿山道家中,曾穿着全套的中國長衫會友,更在農曆新年假期期間,湊熱鬧跟大家玩麻將聯誼。 丹拿校長沒有唸過大學,但他可是一位學識及經驗極之豐富的老師。他備受師生尊崇。在任期間,他殫思竭慮,盡力推展皇仁書院的教務;更經常工作至深夜,為學生的福祉規劃新猷。他引入了班際足球、排球和籃球比賽,大力推廣體育活動。他又提出了以身作則的「金字塔式政策」,希望先由校長做起,關心同事,再由老師做到關心學生——如是,則學校整體自會隨之進步,各方面的表現都可以得到提升。結果,皇仁同學無論在學業上、品行上,以至在社會服務方面,漸漸得到社會人士更高的讚許和評價,確實如司徒莊校長所說,這是第一次世界大戰後皇仁的「 黃金復興」時期,不但戰時所造成的負面及不穩定因素全消,校務且見蒸蒸日上,校譽日隆。1925年,深受學校上下愛戴的丹拿校長榮休,返英安享晚年。


5th Headmaster: Mr. Alfred Herbert Crook, OBE, FRGS
第五任掌院﹕祈祿先生 (現譯 古祿)
Mr. A.H. Crook, the Second Master under Mr. Tanner and who had been teaching natural science since 1903, succeeded Mr. Tanner as the Fifth Headmaster of Queen’s College. He was described by Mr. Stokes as the most scholarly of the school’s headmasters. He was never seen without a pile of books under his arm. Mr. Crook was a good athlete who excelled at tennis. He was willing to teach students his skills of playing tennis during recess and free-time. He was also friendly but strict towards students by asking four boys to go on the roof of the campus to take weather readings every day at 8 a.m. Under his guidance, the Scout Troop of Queen’s College was established and held their first camp in March, 1928. Although his headmastership was only 5 years long, he was beloved and respected by students and staff. A scholarship was even founded in his name after the Second World War. Although Mr. Crook retired in 1930, his heart never departed from Queen’s College. In 1951, Mr. Crook returned to Hong Kong to see the New Queen’s College on Causeway Road.
古祿校長自1903年開始在皇仁任教。他一直任教自然科學,其後升任副校長。1925年,他接替退休的丹拿校長,成為第五任皇仁書院掌院。據司徒莊校長的敍述,古祿校長好學不倦,經常都手不釋卷,深具學者風範。 古祿校長平易近人。他是一名網球高手,平日好與學生切磋球技,毫無架子。他雖然親切友善,但工作時威嚴可是半點不減。例如他每天都會叮囑四個學生,務必在早上八時正到學校天台記錄天氣狀況,不容誤點。此外,他極之關心學生的課餘活動,更親自督導了皇仁童軍隊的成立。1928年3月,皇仁童軍舉行了第一次露營活動。 古祿校長掌校雖只短短五年,卻已深得師生的尊敬和擁戴。戰後就有一個獎學基金以他的名字命名,藉紀其教澤。古祿校長在1930年退休之後,仍然心繫皇仁。1951年,他就曾親臨高士威道看望落成不久的的新校舍,並對在校師生作出殷切的勗勉。
6th Headmaster/ Principal: Mr. Francis Joseph de Rome
第六任掌院/校長﹕狄隆先生 (現譯 狄龍)
Mr. de Rome had been a staff member of Queen’s College from 1910 to 1914, and was appointed as the Headmaster of Ellis Kadoorie School from 1925 onwards. In 1930, he became the Sixth Headmaster of Queen’s College. Mr. de Rome was a Physicist. He had been appointed as the external examiner in Physics to the University of Hong Kong when he held office at Queen’s College. He stressed the necessity for the appointment of a Physical Training Officer at the school. On his initiative, all boys of Queen’s College were taken for a weekly 1.5-hour swim at the North Point Hong Kong Civil Servants’ Club during summer months. He also recognised the fact that a University degree must not be regarded as the be-all and end-all of education – as most of the old graduates were not only academics and scholars, but also traders, businessmen, etc. During his headmastership, the title of Headmaster of Queen’s College (abbreviated as HMQC) was changed to Principal of Queen’s College (abbreviated as PQC). Mr. de Rome showed no interest in addressing himself as Principal of Queen’s College (PQC) instead of Headmaster of Queen’s College (HMQC). He was a determined man who decided to still sign himself as HMQC despite being referred to as PQC by the Education Office. According to his colleagues, Mr. de Rome was a most efficient schoolmaster and administrator.He was about to leave Hong Kong on retirement when the Second World War broke out. But somehow he was still in Hong Kong when the Colony fell to the Japanese forces and throughout the occupation years he was interned at Stanley Concentration Camp. He returned to England after the war.
狄龍校長於1910至1914年在皇仁書院任教。他於1925年升任嘉道理爵士學校校長,再於1930年調遷為皇仁書院第六任校長。狄龍校長是一位物理學家,並曾兼任香港大學物理科校外考試評審委員。狄龍校長極其重視對學生體魄的鍛鍊,認為學校需要設立體育訓練主任一職,以統籌其事。每年夏季,他都會安排全校學生每星期到北角的公務員會所習泳個半小時。另一方面,狄龍校長深切地了解﹕大學學位絕非教育的唯一目標及終點;養成終身孜孜不倦的學習態度,才最重要——因為綜觀以往的皇仁學生在畢業後,只有一些從事學術研究及成為學者,而大部分都是投身到商界、政界等其他各行各業去了。狄龍校長在任期間,教育署把皇仁書院校長的名銜由「Headmaster of Queen’s College(簡稱HMQC)」」改為「Principal of Queen’s College(簡稱PQC)」。當時教育署內部文件上的「PQC」,指的就是狄龍校長。但他對此毫不在意,於署名時仍一如既往,稱自己為「HMQC」。據其同事憶述,狄龍校長是一位有效率、行事爽快的校長。他在第二次大戰爆發前退休,本已計劃返英。戰爭初期,香港並未有受到多大影響;1940年,皇仁的頒獎典禮如常舉辦,狄龍校長更應邀主禮。1941年,香港淪陷,狄龍校長無奈亦被日軍扣押到赤柱集中營去。重光之後,校長曾於1950年回校,再度為頒獎典禮主禮。不久,他就回英國去了。


7th Principal: Mr. Harry Norman Williamson, OBE
第七任校長﹕威廉遜高級校長 (現譯 威廉臣)
Mr. Harry Norman Williamson was the third Principal of Queen’s College after the end of the Second World War. Having studied sciences at the University of London, Mr. Williamson first joined Queen’s College as staff in 1931. He taught Mathematics at King’s College before the War, and served as a Volunteer Gunner at the Battle of Hong Kong, becoming a prisoner of war at Sham Shui Po Camp during the Japanese occupation. Mr. Williamson worked strenuously to foster a sense of tradition and a pride in belonging to Queen’s College. Apart from writing interesting articles about the school’s history, he maintained the pre-War tradition of holding Saturday morning assemblies and classes with half-holidays on Wednesdays. In addition, with the object of promoting team spirit and providing a more convenient basis of competition in sports, Mr. Williamson created eight houses and introduced the house system. The names of the houses were specially picked to remind the boys of the long and glorious history of the school. The surnames of six earlier Headmasters and one Acting Headmaster of Queen’s College were picked, in addition to a “School House” under the Principal Mr. Williamson himself. He also set the tradition of holding Open Days and Parents’ Night annually, which enabled parents and the general public to have a better understanding of the school life and activities. Although his eyesight continued to cause him problems, Mr. Williamson did not leave the school until Queen’s College became one of the premier secondary schools in Hong Kong in the 1960s. His distinguished contribution to the school and the education in Hong Kong was first honoured by the title of “Senior Principal” in 1955, and by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II with the title of Officer of the British Empire in 1960. Mr. Williamson left Hong Kong in 1961 with the warmest of farewells by a host of old boys, Department of Education officials, masters and staff.
威廉臣校長是第二次大戰後,皇仁書院的第三位校長。他是英國倫敦大學的畢業生,在1931年開始到皇仁書院任教。其後,曾調往英皇書院任教數學。第二次大戰爆發,威廉臣校長加入義勇軍抵抗日軍;惜戰敗被俘,在日治時期一直被囚於深水埗集中營,直至香港重光。威廉臣校長十分重視培養學生對學校的歸屬感,深盼他們都能以皇仁為傲。為此,他撰寫了不少饒具趣味的關於學校歷史的文章。另一方面,他又保留了星期六早會和星期三放半天假,這一些戰前皇仁舊校的傳統。為使學校的運動比賽更有系統和制度化,以及提升團隊精神,威廉臣校長創立了那沿用至今的八社制度。他特意以七位前任校長(其中啟校長是署任校長)的名字為七社命名,第八社則稱為「School House」,由他自己親任社監,藉此提醒學生繼往開來,承傳皇仁悠久光輝的歷史。此外,他每年都舉辦開放日和家長之夜(時稱「懇親晚會」),讓家長和公眾人士對皇仁書院的生活和活動,有更深入的了解。威廉臣校長於任內竭心盡智,在他的帶領下,皇仁書院不但秉承了傳統,且於1950年代大放異采,成為全港一間頂尖的名校。他對學校和教育工作所付出的鉅大貢獻備受讚揚,先在1955年升任為首位「高級校長」,再於1960年獲英女皇封為大英帝國事務官。1961年,在舊生、老師、教育署同事和繼任校長的歡送下,威廉臣校長光榮地離別了香港。
8th Principal: Mr. Cheung King Pak
Mr Cheung had a strong connection with Queen's College before being appointed as the first Chinese Principal of QC in 1961. He was a former Head Prefect at Queen's, and taught at QC briefly in the 1950s. Under his administration, clubs and societies flourished, new events, like the dance nights, were organised. The Principal himself took special interest in the Scouts - he even went on several excursions with them to the outlying Islands. With the opening of the Victoria Park Swimming Pool, the QC swimming Gala became an annual event, and swimming lessons were incorporated to the Physical Education programme. During his time came one of the most important events in the century - the centenary of Queen's College. The anniversary was honoured by the presence of Hong Kong Governor Sir Robert Black at the Speech Day in 1962. The series of celebrations also coincided with the opening of the QC Old Boys Association memorial hall, and the new "Science Block", where the Art Room and several science laboratories situated. Due to ill health, he died on post as Principal of QC in 1964, almost exactly the date on which he was due to retire. Mr FC Gamble, previously Principal of the Shaukeiwan Government Secondary School, was appointed as Principal of Queen's College after Mr Cheung's death. He was shortly promoted to the post of Assistant Director of Education (Development) in 1965.
張經柏先生在 1961 年獲委任為皇仁書院第一位華人校長。他曾經是皇仁 總領袖生,亦曾在 1950 年代在皇仁任教。在張校長的管理下,學校新增了多 個新學會和不同的課外活動。他特別著重學校童軍的發展 - 他曾多次出席童軍 遠足活動。隨著維多利亞公園游泳池落成,水運會成為週年活動,而泳班亦成 為學生體育課的必修活動之一。在張校長的任內皇仁書院舉辦了一連串慶祝創 校一百週年的活動。除了有時任港督出席週年頒獎禮外,皇仁舊生會紀念大樓 和「科學樓」亦雙繼落成。張校長的健康每況愈下,並在 1964 年將近退休前 不幸逝世。筲箕灣官立中學校長金寶鐘先生因此接替其位為皇仁書院新校長, 但他不久亦被調職到教育司署。


9th Principal: Mr. John Stokes
Mr John Stokes assumed position as Principal of Queen's College in 1965, and
was the last expatriate Principal of the College. He joined the Australian Navy during the Second World War, and first arrived in Hong Kong with the British Pacific Fleet in 1945 to liberate the colony. He carried out several education experiment. For example, he introduced new subjects such as modern mathematics and Integrated Science. He also abandoned the elite streaming system and introduced classes of mixed ability. Mr Stokes also encouraged initiative among students. He supported the founding of the QC Courier, one of the first student newspapers in Hong Kong. He paid extra attention to student-community engagement, especially after the disastrous 1967 Riots. For instance, the "Luen Yi" Scheme was initiated in 1968 for students to do community work. Mr Stokes was also very aware of and indeed proud of the Queen's traditions, in which he introduced the annual Foundation Day Ceremony, and started the tradition of visiting Dr Frederick Stewart's grave. Sports activities were also increasingly common among students, who found interest in sports like hockey and squash. Mr Stokes was also the writer of the famous QC School History. First asked by Senior Principal Mr Williamson to compile history for the school in the 1950s, he was later commissioned to write an official history book for QC to celebrate its 125th anniversary. Mr Stokes retired in 1970, and was succeeded by Mr Raymond Huang.
司徒莊老師在 1965 年繼任為皇仁書院校長,成為皇仁最後一位外籍校長 。他在第二次世界大戰時在澳洲海軍服役,並於 1945 年隨著英國皇家海軍太 平洋艦隊光復香港。司徙校長在校進行了多項教學試驗。例如他引進了新式數 學和綜合科學,並取消了精英編班制。他也鼓勵學生自主,如協助創立學生報 刊「文苑」。在 1967 暴動事件後他更積極鼓勵學生參與社會服務。1968 年 開始的「聯誼計劃」便是其中一個好例子。司徒校長亦十分著重皇仁歷史和傳 統 - 他更開始了週年奠基禮和探訪史鈞域校長之墓的傳統。在他任內,各項運 動如曲棍球和壁球等都開始普及化。司徒校長亦是兩部皇仁書院歷史的編者。 威廉臣校長在 1950 年代首先委託他整理學校歷史。其後他再獲邀為 125 週年 校慶編寫校史。司徒校長在 1970 年榮休。
10th Principal: Mr. Raymond Huang
Mr Huang, a keen musician, was appointed as Principal of Queen's College in
1970. Before his appointment, Mr Huang studied in in the UK, and was appointed Principal of Sir Robert Black College of Education. He was a friendly character to students. Apart from supporting various extra-curricular activities financially, he even danced with his wife in the school hall during the student-organised Christmas ball. Mr Huang also greatly promoted music development in QC - he used his musical knowledge and experience gained from the Royal Academy of Music in London to train a string orchestra in QC. On the other hand, there were a lot of changes and material improvements for the school during his administration. For example, air conditioners, refrigerators, typewriters and electric duplicators were installed in the staff rooms, while large fans were installed for the school hall. QC was also one of the first schools in Hong Kong installed with air conditioners. Mr Huang retired in 1973 and passed his seat to Mr William Cheng.
擅長音樂的黃勵文校長在 1970 年接替司徒莊校長成為皇仁書院校長。黃校長曾在英國留學,回港後為柏立基教育學院校長。他在任內積極推廣和鼓勵 學生參與課外活動,更親自和太太出席支持學生舉辦的聖誕舞會。黃校長亦非 常支持皇仁的音樂發展。擁有英國皇家音樂學院資歷的他積極協助訓練出皇仁 的首個弦樂團。除此之外學校在他的任期內亦有不少硬件上的轉變。例如,教 員室和校長室都安裝了打字機丶冷氣機丶影印機和雪櫃,而禮堂則安裝了風扇 。皇仁亦是全港首批安裝冷氣機的學校之一。 黃校長在 1973 年榮休,由鄭旭 寧校長繼任。


11th Principal: Mr. William Cheng
Mr Cheng succeeded Mr Huang as Principal of Queen's College in 1974. Before
his appointment as Principal, he had been teaching in Queen's College in 1952-55, and was later transferred to Heung Yee Kuk District Secondary School. As former Principal Mr John Stokes noted in his book, Mr Cheng's period in QC was one of steady consolidation and rising standards. Under his administration, extra- curricular activities, clubs and societies flourished, while students performed equally well academically. Mr Cheng also paid extra attention on moral education - a subject he stressed in almost every speech he gave. Transferred to Grantham College of Education, Mr Cheng left QC in 1976 and was succeeded by Mr Timothy Yung.
鄭旭寧先生繼黃勵文校長後於 1974 年擔任校長一職。獲委任為校長前, 他曾於 1952-1955 年在皇仁書院任教,之後調職到鄉議局區中學繼續任教。 一如前校長司徒莊先生在他著作的校史所述,鄭校長任內的皇仁書院是其中一 個平穩鞏固和提高標準的時期。在他的管理下,課外活動和眾多學會得以長足 發展,與此同時學生的學術表現亦十分卓越。他同時也特別著重品德教育 - 他每次講話都會再三強調這點。鄭校長於 1976 年離開皇仁書院,調職到葛量洪教育學院任教。
12th Principal: Mr. Timothy Yung
Mr Timothy Yung, who was Principal of Perth Street Middle School, assumed
position as Principal of Queen's College in 1976. Mr Yung was a man who preferred a certain amount of informality. For example, he abandoned the formal presentation of school report during Speech Days, while the Foundation Day Ceremony was abolished. There were also numerous changes in everyday school life. For instance, with the increase in the number of students, floating class system was adopted, and the regular School Assembly was moved from the school hall to the basketball court. Moreover, class size also increased from 4 to 5 in a form. Despite the increased student participation in the running of Clubs and Societies, students continued to perform well academically. Under his administration, while the Annual Athletic Meets was moved from South China Sports Ground in Caroline Hill to the Wanchai Sports Ground; QC boys also regained their diligence in Sports. After years of work in the field of education, Mr Yung retired in 1982.
榮德淵先生曾任巴富街中學校長,於 1976 年接任皇仁書院校長。他是一 個不拘小節的人。例如,他取消了週年頒獎禮中校務匯報的環節,亦取消了學校奠基日典禮。在榮校長的管理下,日常校園生活也起了不少變化。例如,校方採用浮動課室制度以應付日漸增加的學生數量,定期舉行的早會也從禮堂移師到籃球場舉行。另外,每級從四班增加至五班。雖然越來越多學生參與學會事務,但是學生的學術表演依然十分彪炳。 此外,週年運動會從銅鑼灣加路連山南華會運動場移師到新啟用的灣仔運動場。皇仁學生亦逐漸重拾以往在運動方面的光芒。榮校長於 1982 年榮休。


13th Principal: Mr. Chew Tung-sing
Mr Chew was a relaxed and friendly person, a man whom all treated with
respect but none regarded with awe. Mr Chew was transferred to Queen's College as Principal in 1982 after being in the same post at Shaukeiwan Government Secondary School. He had been a student at Queen's, studying in the Lower Sixth in 1954. In his tenure, the College saw a revival among students and teaching staffs the interest in Chinese language and culture. For example, Chinese calligraphy was once again popular among students, while the Principal was the first to give his speech in Chinese on Speech Day. Apart from the emergence of new function teams like the Litter Prefects, extra-curricular activities were given an extra boost under Mr Chew's administration. For example, new activities like the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme were introduced, and more joint-school activities were organised. On the other hand, QC boys continued to shine academically among other students, and graduate prospects were very well. It is also interesting to note that in his time, the staff-student relationship has gradually changed from respect and gratitude to a much closer relationship of mutual understanding. Mr Chew left QC in 1987 and was succeeded by Mr Kong Shiu-chung.
趙東成校長是一位很隨和並十分受敬重的老師。身為皇仁舊生的他在 1982 年繼任為皇仁書院校長前曾在筲箕灣官立中學擔任校長一職。在他的積極推廣 下,他在任時皇仁學生都對中華文化藝術如中國書法重拾興趣。他更是首位在 週年頒獎禮以中文發表演講的校長。除了新設立的清潔糾察外,其他新學會和 課外活動組別如愛丁堡公爵獎勵計劃和聯校活動等都「百花齊放」。另外,皇 仁學生繼續在學業和公開考試中再創佳績。另外值得留意的是在這段時間學生 和老師的關係逐漸從「嚴師出高徒」的時代轉變成亦師亦友的關係。趙校長在 1987 年卸任,並由江紹忠校長接任。
Contemporary Principals 近代校長
14th Principal: Mr. Kong Shiu Chung

15th Principal: Mr. Lee Kar Hung

16th Principal: Mrs. Cheung Lam Lai King

17th Principal: Mr. Li Lok Yin

18th Principal: Ms. Li Sui Wah

Current Principal: Ms. Leung Yvetta Ruth