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皇 仁 ‧ 重 現
Q U E E N ' S , O N C E M O R E
About the Project
校史館蒙張壯立師兄 (CE 1974) 協助,以詳盡的歷史考證配合3D BIM (建築信息模擬) 科技,製作位於歌賦街(1862-1889)、荷李活道及鴨巴甸街交界(1889-1941)和高士威道(1950至今)三座不同年代校舍的電子模型,讓訪客可以穿越時空探索昔日的校園生活。
The Museum is kindly assisted by OQC Mr. CHEUNG Chong-lap (CE 1974) in our endeavours to reconstruct digitally the 3 campus once stood on Gough Street (1862-1889), Aberdeen Street and Hollywood Road (1889-1941) and Causeway Road (since 1950). Modelled after detailed historical analysis and with cutting-edge 3D BIM technologies, the models enable visitors to explore campus life across history.
走訪位於香港和英國的檔案館、圖書館及政府部門,搜羅歷代校舍的照片、建築圖則及地圖 Compiling Historical Records, Photos, Architectural Plans and Maps at Archives, Libraries and Government Departments in Hong Kong and United Kingdom | 走訪位於香港和英國的檔案館、圖書館及政府部門,搜羅歷代校舍的照片、建築圖則及地圖 Compiling Historical Records, Photos, Architectural Plans and Maps at Archives, Libraries and Government Departments in Hong Kong and United Kingdom | 走訪位於香港和英國的檔案館、圖書館及政府部門,搜羅歷代校舍的照片、建築圖則及地圖 Compiling Historical Records, Photos, Architectural Plans and Maps at Archives, Libraries and Government Departments in Hong Kong and United Kingdom | 走訪位於香港和英國的檔案館、圖書館及政府部門,搜羅歷代校舍的照片、建築圖則及地圖 Compiling Historical Records, Photos, Architectural Plans and Maps at Archives, Libraries and Government Departments in Hong Kong and United Kingdom | 走訪位於香港和英國的檔案館、圖書館及政府部門,搜羅歷代校舍的照片、建築圖則及地圖 Compiling Historical Records, Photos, Architectural Plans and Maps at Archives, Libraries and Government Departments in Hong Kong and United Kingdom |
走訪位於香港和英國的檔案館、圖書館及政府部門,搜羅歷代校舍的照片、建築圖則及地圖 Compiling Historical Records, Photos, Architectural Plans and Maps at Archives, Libraries and Government Departments in Hong Kong and United Kingdom | 走訪位於香港和英國的檔案館、圖書館及政府部門,搜羅歷代校舍的照片、建築圖則及地圖 Compiling Historical Records, Photos, Architectural Plans and Maps at Archives, Libraries and Government Departments in Hong Kong and United Kingdom | 走訪位於香港和英國的檔案館、圖書館及政府部門,搜羅歷代校舍的照片、建築圖則及地圖 Compiling Historical Records, Photos, Architectural Plans and Maps at Archives, Libraries and Government Departments in Hong Kong and United Kingdom | 訪問兩位曾於戰前校舍就讀的師兄,以補充文字資料不足 Supplementing textual information by conducting oral history interviews with two pre-war alumni | 整合戰前 《黃龍報》內的獎學金得獎者名單,重現禮堂內的榮譽榜 Reconstructing the Scholarship Boards with information from The Yellow Dragon |
整合戰前《黃龍報》內的獎學金得獎者名單,重現禮堂內的榮譽榜 Reconstructing the Scholarship Boards with information from The Yellow Dragon |
historical research
Anchor 1
以3D BIM (建築信息模擬) 技術準確重現校舍細節 Using 3D BIM technology to accurately reconstruct every detail | 以3D BIM (建築信息模擬) 技術準確重現校舍細節 Using 3D BIM technology to accurately reconstruct every detail | 以3D BIM (建築信息模擬) 技術準確重現校舍細節 Using 3D BIM technology to accurately reconstruct every detail | 以3D BIM (建築信息模擬) 技術準確重現校舍細節 Using 3D BIM technology to accurately reconstruct every detail | 以3D BIM (建築信息模擬) 技術準確重現校舍細節 Using 3D BIM technology to accurately reconstruct every detail |
infused with latest technology
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Queen's College History Museum (Hong Kong) © 2020 -- Unauthorised use of information and images from this site is strictly prohibited. -- 版權所有,不得自行轉載。
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