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展區4. 皇仁書院和兩次大戰(1920-40年代)

第四章 - 皇仁書院和兩次大戰 - 全景圖

展板 10: 黃金時代 - 「遠東的伊頓公學」

展板 11: 風起雲湧 -動盪的三十年代

展板 12: 戰火漫天 - 二次大戰的破壞

展櫃4: 二十世紀初的皇仁書院


1. “The Yellow Dragon” Volume 24, published in December 1928

1928年 第24期《黃龍報》校刊

2. “Scales from the Dragon”, published in 1923 - a special school publication that features English poems written by teachers and students over the years.


3. Pupil Teachers and the Staffs of Queen’s College, c. 1920s

1920年代 教師及師範生合照

4. Students playing Tug-of War in front of the Campus, 1903

1903年 學生拔河活動

5. First batch of Prefects appointed at Queen’s College, May 1911

1911年 第一屆領袖生合照

6. Queen’s College Volleyball Competition Medal, 1939


7. Medallion commemorating the Disaster-relief Funding-raising Charity Drama staged by students from Queen’s College and four Government Primary Schools, c. 1915

1915年 皇仁書院及官立小學為內地水災籌款紀念章

8. Prefect Badge, belonged to Yau Ka Bok, 1937 (Obverse)


9. Prefect Badge, belonged to Wong Chor Choy, 1940 (Reverse)


10. Queen’s College Teaching Staffs, with Headmaster Mr. Tanner, c. 1920s


展櫃5: 二十世紀初的皇仁書院


1. Full Government Scholarship awarded to Leung Ka Kuen, 1938

1938年 政府獎學金證書

2. Government Scholarship awarded to Wong Tai-kwan, 1917


3. Chinese Prize certificate awarded for coming first in Class 8B, 1930


4. A Collection of Queen’s College Examination Papers c. 1910s

1912-13年 皇仁書院考試試題

5. Queen’s College Chinese Language Exam Result of Li Chung Hang, 1936

1936年 漢文學科成績表

6. Queen’s College Student Examination Reports of Li Chung Hang, 1934

1934年 成績表

7. Queen’s College Leaving Certificate of Wong Tai-kwan, 1920

1920年 離校證書

8. Queen’s College Leaving Certificate, 1934

1934年 離校證書

展櫃6: 皇仁書院和二次大戰


1. Newspaper cutting about Queen’s College students organising Charity events for war relief fund, c. 1930s [Replica]

1930年代 皇仁學生籌賑兵災剪報 [複製本]

2. Newspaper cutting about an inspection of Air raid Precaution Department near Queen’s College, Apr 1940 [Replica]

1940年4月 防空署在皇仁書院集合並舉行檢閱 [複製本]

3. Newspaper cutting about plans for the construction of New Queen’s College at Caroline Hill, Causeway Bay [Replica]

戰前有關政府計劃在加路連山興建皇仁書院新校舍的剪報 [複製本]

4. One Hong Kong Dollar issued by the Hong Kong Government, c. 1936

1936年 香港政府發行的一元鈔票,在日治時期被軍票所取代

5. Newspaper cutting about the Japanese invasion of Hong Kong, Keung Sheung Daily News, Dec 1941 [Replica]

1941年12月 有關日軍侵港的剪報 [複製本]

6. Japanese troops patrolling on Hong Kong Island after capturing Hong Kong, c. 1941-45 [Replica]

日治時期,日軍官兵在港島街頭巡邏 [複製本]

7. One Hundred Japanese Military Yen, 1944

1944年 日本在香港發行的軍票

8. Newspaper advertisement recruiting students for Japanese language class, c. 1941-45 [Replica]

日治時期有關日語課程的剪報 [複製本]

9. Japanese surrounding to British Authorities at the Government House, 1945 [Replica]

1945年 日軍在港督府簽署無條件投降書 [複製本]

10. Ruins of the Queen’s College Aberdeen Street Campus after the Second World War, c. 1945

1945年 戰爭結束後的皇仁書院荷李活道校舍變成頹垣敗瓦

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